How Can Ringless Voicemail Increase Your Sales?
Over the past few years, sales associates have looked for ways to connect with potential customers. One of the strategies that has grown more and more popular of late is ringless voicemail (RVM). If you’ve never heard of ringless voicemail services, it could be well worth your while to learn more about what they are and how they could help your business grow.
What Is Ringless Voicemail?
Ringless voicemail services provide companies with a way to connect to potential customers without interfering with their day-to-day activities. Companies can record a message and place it into a consumer’s voicemail without their phone ever ringing. There are no interruptions, which means the consumers can listen to the voicemail at their convenience.
If you have ever cold-called a prospect, you know that one of the first objections is, “I don’t have time for this.” RVM services increase the likelihood that a consumer listens to a voicemail in its entirety at their leisure, such as when they are:
- Commuting to or from work
- At the gym
- Cooking breakfast or dinner
- Looking to fill downtime
This technology also grants a lot of flexibility to salespeople. They can determine what they would like the message to say along with the date and time they wish for it to be delivered. When it comes to maximizing efficiency and targeting potential customers, RVM is one of the most effective strategies salespeople can use. There is no limitation to what type of media can be delivered. Everything from press releases to event reminders are on the table.
When a ringless voicemail campaign is launched, the consumer’s phone does not ring, and the network does not carry an active call. This means that the consumer will never pay for the service. Additionally, the Federal Communications Commission considers this technology an Enhanced Information Service, which the organization has deliberately not regulated.
The Benefits Of Ringless Voicemail
Many salespeople believe that other contact methods and strategies are more effective than RVM. However, after taking the time to learn more about the benefits and statistics behind the technology, they are shocked to learn just how much it can help their business grow. When implemented correctly, ringless voicemail drops can be one of the most rewarding sales strategies available!
For instance, consider the fact that according to Marketing Charts, email click rates have failed to increase for the past 18 quarters. The click rate is a mere four percent. Fewer and fewer people are opening promotional emails. Compare this to stats from Inside Sales, which indicate that voicemails can improve response rates by nearly five percent.
Additionally, consider the fact people are nearly four times more likely to listen to a voicemail than they are to open an email. More than 95 percent of individuals listen to a voicemail, while less than 25 percent of people open an email they’ve received from a company. The rate at which people listen to voicemails also exceeds the rate at which they open text messages.
Furthermore, many potential consumers subscribe to Voicemail-to-Text services, in which their voicemails are transcribed. This means that there is a good chance that the potential customer will read your message. There’s a better chance of them reading a Voicemail-to-Text message than an email or alternative message.
Choosing to implement ringless voicemail drops could also be a cost-effective solution, especially when compared to live call centers. When calling potential customers, companies must employ live operators to make the call. These employees all require an hourly wage and potentially health insurance and other costly benefits. However, there is only one individual needed for RVM technology.
Similarly, ringless voicemail can provide a tremendous return on investment. The service is affordable, especially when compared to other marketing services. Businesses can reach hundreds, if not thousands, of consumers in a matter of minutes. If you’re looking to grow sales quickly and increase your brand, ringless voicemail can provide you with an excellent opportunity to do so.
Lastly, as any quality salesperson knows, gaining a high number of quality leads into the funnel is critical. RVM technology is highly-targeted. Companies can craft multiple messages in a matter of minutes, each designed to contact a particular demographic. Businesses can also craft their messages based on the recipient’s location. Providing highly-targeted information is a necessity in any modern marketing strategy.
Get Started With Ringless Voicemail Today
If you are interested in ringless voicemail, be sure to contact us at Gemstone Data today. We can provide you with a cell phone list and the tools needed to begin dropping voicemail messages to potential customers. Our cell phone lists are highly-targeted, up to date, and accurate. We’ll start by working with you to come up with a goal for your campaign and a way in which we can identify your target demographic.
Our team will then work with you to ensure you know how to record your message. We’ll help you through the process to ensure the messages you’re sending are personalized and of the highest quality. Then, we’ll work with you to determine when is the best time to deliver the message to the voicemail boxes of potential customers. You’ll also provide us with the number you wish to appear on the Caller ID.
After that, you merely need to sit back and wait for customers to return your call. Once you’ve recorded your message, we will manage the delivery stage. You’ll also provide us with the number you wish to appear on the Caller ID, so consumers can call you directly at the Caller ID number that you provided.
At Gemstone Data, our goal is to produce high-quality leads for our clients. Ask yourself what you’re doing to improve your sales process? If you’re not doing anything, why would you sit on the sidelines as your competitors are continually maximizing the efficiency of their sales pipeline? Call us today at (888) 267-4321 or fill out the form below to learn more about how our strategies can help you grow your business!